Strategic Locations to Place CCTV Cameras for Best Results


Top Strategic Locations to Place CCTV Cameras for Best Results

Security remains one of the utmost concerns to parents at home and business owners. Due to the increased level of crime,  it’s necessary to monitor ongoing activities at home or workplace for any suspicious activity.

A Closed-circuit TV (CCTV) camera is the best tool for monitoring activities, but finding the right supplier can be a hassle. Sometimes the price is outrageous, and other times the suppliers do not place the TV at the right locations.

Therefore, you’ll be learning through this article some strategic locations to place a CCTV at home or at the office to get the best result.

Top Locations at Home

In this section, you’ll get to see some of the best locations to place your CCTV at home. Here’s a list:

  • Front Door
  • Back & Side Doors
  • Garage
  • Interior Areas

Front Door

The chances of property burglary coming from the front door are high; therefore you should have a CCTV at the front door. Asides providing monitoring from the front door, the camera will also provide monitoring for the front yard of the house.

Back & Side Doors

When intruders notice a CCTV at the front door, they are inclined to go through doors out of site; most times, this is the back or side door. Installing a CCTV camera in such locations will be of great advantage because any entrance to the house is a potential channel for burglars and criminals.


A lot of people neglect the garage when mounting a CCTV. Monitoring the garage is vital as properties are stored in the garage in some houses; the garage can also be a suitable hiding place for intruders so you should keep an eye on activities there.

Interior Areas

The cameras placed on the exterior of the house will do well to track visitors, but it’s necessary to monitor the house’s interior too; if you have kids or pets, it becomes more important.

Places inside your homes such as living rooms, kitchen, main stairway, hallways, and rooms should be monitored; this provides monitoring of the movements or activities of the visitors, kids or pets.

Top Locations at the Office

In this section, you’ll get to see some of the best locations to place a CCTV at the office. Here’s a list:

  • Entrance & Exit
  • Reception Area
  • Office Areas
  • Warehouse
  • Other Areas


Entrance & Exit

A business that doesn’t have a security post faces the entry or exiting of individuals without permission. The installation of cameras at both the entrance and exit of the office serves as a measure of tracking individuals that enter or leave the office.

It can also act as a deterrent as an intruder will most likely have a change of heart on sighting the CCTV.

Reception Area


The reception area of the office is usually highly congested, so it is important to monitor it since it’s the first area where employees and visitors step into before entering into the main office area.

Office Areas

If you find it necessary to keep an eye on your employers, you need to have a CCTV in the office areas; keeping a CCTV in every office room can pass across as a breach of privacy so it’ll be fine to have a CCTV in areas surrounding the main offices.

Having a CCTV in the office area can help you keep an eye on your employers and their work rate, it can also help you track cases of theft, bullying, sexual harassment or other behaviors that are against the code of conduct of the company.


The warehouse is usually the most expensive area of the office; hence it has to be monitored appropriately. The warehouse is a target for theft and other crimes, so you need to mount a CCTV camera both inside and outside the warehouse.

Other Areas


There are many other areas in the office to mount CCTV cameras such as parking lots, dumpsters, staircases and other secluded areas that can promote illegal activities. When CCTV cameras are installed in such locations, criminals may be forced to think twice before committing a crime.


It’s not just about getting a CCTV mounted; it’s also important to find the right location. However, if you want more information based on the physical structure of your house or office, you can reach out to consultants and trusted suppliers of CCTV cameras.

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